Our third day at ICFP was full of exchange and new learnings. We loved to chat with visitors about our work at booth 41, but we also attended as many sessions as possible to connect and learn from others. Our highlights of day 3 include local youth leaders, a new contraceptive gel for men and real talk about the link between pleasure and consent. 

DSW@ICFP Day 3 – learning from local youth advocates!

Barreling head-long into Day 3 at #ICFP2018. Youth is a big focus at this conference, and a major part of our work on advocating for change across East Africa, so we thought we would combine the two!

Posted by Deutsche Stiftung Weltbevölkerung – DSW on Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Innovation meets SRHR

We were excited hearing about new options for men as well! It’s obvious yet not often talked about: when men and women share the bed, they need to share responsibilities and pleasure as well.

Speaking of pleasure, one of our favourite sessions today was the Pleasure Panel featuring four amazing women from South Africa, China, the Netherlands and Mexico. One of many important takeaways: pleasure is linked to consent. “If you don’t know your body, if you don’t know what you like, how would you give or withdraw consent? It is extremely difficult”, said Dr Tlalenge, a Their session was inclusive and honest – we need more of that.