DSW Tanzania Country Director, Mr. Peter Owaga handing over the DSW Youth Cup to the winners

DSW Tanzania has launched a Youth Health Sport Initiative in May 2018 to strengthening its youth engagement in the areas of Health and economic empowerment. The build-up of initiative looks at mobilizing young people to engage in productive activities to enhance talents and education on health and economic empowerment. The DSW Youth Cup will engage youth in the regions of Kilimanjaro, Arusha, Manyara and Dar es Salaam in collaborating with DSW Youth Clubs in  Youth to Youth Project (Y2Y).

Use of Sport in promoting Health and Economic Empowerment for Youth Development

Ms. Verediana Michael, Hai District Reproductive and Child Health Coordinator (DRCHCo) facilitating a session with two teams before the match

The Youth Health Initiative is expected to reach 16,000 youth in all targeted regions.

One of the initiatives took place in Hai District in Kilimanjaro Region. The youth, men and women and government officials from the District and Ward gathered together to attend the event. The Government officials that attended the meeting were Council HIV/AIDS Coordinator (CHAC), Mr. William Kavishe; Acting District AIDS Control Co-ordinator (DACC),  Dr. Jane Macha; District Youth Officer (DYO), Mr. Elineema Kimaro, District Reproductive and Child Health Coordinators (DRCHCo), Ms. Verediana Michael and  Muungano Ward Representative Ms. Mary Ndossy and DSW Tanzania team

Before the sport events the government officials had an opportunity to address the public and youth on different issues regarding  Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) and  Family Planning (FP). Mr. Elineema Kimaro, the District Youth Officer (DYO) congratulated DSW Tanzania for organizing an important outreach that will increase awareness on SRHR and economic issues. He argued the youth and community to take serious on the information and advice given so as to live a healthy and productive life. He said the Government of Tanzania is very committed in ensuring all of its citizens have a better life and access to all services including health services.

 After the sessions, there were different edutainment activities for youth. DSW distribute educated materials and equipment to strengthen youth activities done by youth clubs. There was a tree planting session to enhance youth engagement in environment conservation.


Government Representatives leading some youth members in planting tree

DSW Youth to Youth (Y2Y) Project

DSW Tanzania through its Youth to Youth project has been doing many interventions that aimed at improving youth health and their socio- economic status so as to have a decent life.  Currently, DSW Tanzania has 43 Youth clubs and 5 Youth Empowerment Centre (YEC) in the following regions Arusha, Kilimanjaro, Manyara and Dar es Salaam.